Anthony Braxton interviewed by Charles Amirkhanian at the Exploratorium's Speaking of Music Series in San Francisco, December 5, 1985.
The distinguished composer and improvisor, recently appointed to the music faculty at Mills College in Oakland, discusses foundation materials for vocabulary and structural models in his music. Using the seminal composition JMK-80/CFN-7 (Composition 26b) which he premiered in 1971 at the Palace of Fine Arts Theatre in San Francisco, Braxton illustrates his new methods of structuring sounds in time. Among his recent works is Trillium, a series of 36 autonomous acts which comprise 12 master operas. Dialogues A from this series was premiered in April 1985 in San Diego. As composer and performer, Braxton appears on 40 LPs. He has collaborated with Ornette Coleman, Archie Shepp and others, and has recorded his own music from reed solos to work for large orchestras. (from the Speaking of Music Program Guide, Fall 1985)
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April 18, 2006 Subject:
Insightful introduction to Braxton's music
Be forwarned, Braxton speaks "Braxtonian" quite a bit in this lecture. As a result, it's not always easy to understand exactly what he's talking about, but if you are interested in learning about Braxton and his music, this is a terrific lecture. A couple records are played (nothing is performed live) so this isn't for people who want to listen to his music, only for people who are interested in the philosophical background of his music.